The Product Engagement Sprint

Turn products into habits

with Nir Eyal

Available on demand

1-week sprint

Nir Ayal

Welcome to the Product Engagement Sprint

Quick: Where’s your phone? If you said, “Right next to me,” you understand the power of building habits around products. We’ll teach you to drive deep, sustained product engagement by tapping into the psychology of habits.

Module 1

Why is it that some behaviors become habits while others don’t? And how can you spot these behaviors and begin to turn them into habits? In this first module, you’ll learn how to assess a behavior’s habit-forming potential and begin its habituation through triggers — the first phase of the sprint’s central framework, the Hooked Model.


Lesson 1 case study:

Founded in 2012, is used by nearly half of the Fortune 500 and boasts a valuation on par with Dropbox, Asana, and Zendesk. A key driver behind the firm’s success is its ability to provide high perceived value to a frequent work task: managing time.

Hooked model: Triggers

Lesson 2: Hooked model: triggers

The first phase of the Hooked Model is Triggers, the rings, dings, and pings that propel customers into action. While some triggers feel like spam, others appear as perfectly timed relief. What separates noise from magic? Context. In this video, you’ll learn how to design context-aware triggers that catalyze engagement.


Lesson 2 case study: Honey

Begun as a way to save money on pizza, Honey has become an e-commerce staple that’s saved customers over $1 billion on their purchases. Much of Honey’s success can be chalked up to its simple and well-timed trigger that responds to a universal fear: buyer’s remorse.

Module 2

In this module, you’ll learn the next two phases of the Hooked Model: the action phase and the variable reward phase. In the action phase, customers perform the behavior your product intends to habituate. The action phase is closely followed by the reward phase, where customers get the relief they came for. To learn more about how to ensure customers complete the action phase and receive a satisfying reward, watch the two lessons and case studies below.

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Module 3

In this module, we’ll cover the final phase of the Hooked Model, investments. The goal of the investment phase is to bring customers back into and through another Hook cycle, further cementing a habit. To know for sure whether habits are taking hold, teams must continuously test their products. In the second lesson of this module, we’ll cover a method for analyzing a project’s habit-forming impact.  

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Module 4

The Hooked Model is a powerful yet simple framework that synthesizes decades of research into four phases. In this module, you’ll learn how to reign its power to ensure your firm applies it both ethically and strategically.

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Sample 1-week Sprint Calendar

Section courses are built around the tight schedules of busy, full-time professionals.




Thurs - Pre Sprint

Meet your TA and cohort

Fri - Pre Sprint

Watch a welcome video from your professor

Mon - Sprint week

Watch your day 1 lesson content

Tues - Sprint week

Watch your day 2 lesson content

Weds - Sprint week

Thurs - Sprint week

Attend a project workshop hosted by your TA

Fri - Sprint week

Mon - Post Sprint

Submit your project

What to look forward to

Professor and TA interaction. Our world-class professors and teaching staff are here to help you make the most of the experience.

Lifetime network. Connect with professionals from 60+ countries and across industries to gain fresh perspective from like-minded leaders.

High-impact project. Apply the frameworks and strategies from the sprint to a real problem at work.

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