The Product Experimentation Sprint

Fail early, fail small

with Karan Girotra

Available on demand

1-week sprint

Karan Girotra

Welcome to the Product Experimentation Sprint

Launching a bad product is expensive. Failing early is cheap. We’ll teach you to test and improve your products during the experimentation phase to ensure more successful launches.

Module 1

Building and launching new products is risky. To avoid costly, time-consuming failures, it’s important to address risks in a smart, systematic way. Use the three steps of the De-Risking Framework to understand what risks to test, how to test them with experiments, and when to test them.


Lesson 1 case study: Segway

Segway demonstrates what may happen when companies fail to de-risk effectively. By focusing on technology and operations risks, Segway did not address a crucial risk - customer demand. This ultimately led to Segway’s downfall. Had Segway reduced customer demand risk prior to de-risking technology and operations risks, the team may have pivoted to focus on lucrative niche markets.

Module 2

Segway demonstrates what may happen when companies fail to de-risk effectively. By focusing on technology and operations risks, Segway did not address a crucial risk - customer demand. This ultimately led to Segway’s downfall. Had Segway reduced customer demand risk prior to de-risking technology and operations risks, the team may have pivoted to focus on lucrative niche markets.

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Module 3: Finding the right market

You can’t de-risk your product idea with an excel sheet. To learn whether or not your idea works, you need to test your idea in the real world, with real customers, using experiments that collect primary data. In this module, discover a library of experiments and learn which experiments are the most effective for the type of risk you’re testing.

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Module 4: Testing your positioning

Choosing the right experiment is only the beginning. It’s just as important to design them well. Rigorous experiments will strengthen the evidence you get and increase your decision-making confidence. In this module, discover how to sequence experiments for the best cost-benefit ratio, and how to measure your progress on the journey from idea to validated product.  

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Sample 1-week Sprint Calendar

Section courses are built around the tight schedules of busy, full-time professionals.




Thurs - Pre Sprint

Meet your TA and cohort

Fri - Pre Sprint

Watch a welcome video from your professor

Mon - Sprint week

Watch your day 1 lesson content

Tues - Sprint week

Watch your day 2 lesson content

Weds - Sprint week

Thurs - Sprint week

Attend a project workshop hosted by your TA

Fri - Sprint week

Mon - Post Sprint

Submit your project

What to look forward to

Professor and TA interaction. Our world-class professors and teaching staff are here to help you make the most of the experience.

Lifetime network. Connect with professionals from 60+ countries and across industries to gain fresh perspective from like-minded leaders.

High-impact project. Apply the frameworks and strategies from the sprint to a real problem at work.

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