The Investor Mindset Sprint

Use time and money wisely

with Eric Kim

Available on demand

1-week sprint

Eric Kim

Welcome to the Investor Mindset Sprint

Every decision you make at work – from scheduling a meeting to proposing a big initiative – is a financial investment. And you can’t make smart investments if you don’t understand the metrics that drive growth for your business. Goodwater Capital co-founder Eric Kim will teach you a repeatable process to evaluate the risk and reward of any business decision.

Module 1

The thesis is your bet on the company’s future. What will it look like if it achieves massive growth? You will learn to craft a compelling thesis about what it takes for a company to win, and identify the strategic drivers and metrics.

Module 2

What could happen that would threaten your drivers and sink your metrics? You will learn to identify risks, conduct research to accept them, and ultimately take a leap of faith based on your conviction.

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Sample 1-week Sprint Calendar

Section courses are built around the tight schedules of busy, full-time professionals.




Thurs - Pre Sprint

Meet your TA and cohort

Fri - Pre Sprint

Watch a welcome video from your professor

Mon - Sprint week

Watch your day 1 lesson content

Tues - Sprint week

Watch your day 2 lesson content

Weds - Sprint week

Thurs - Sprint week

Attend a project workshop hosted by your TA

Fri - Sprint week

Mon - Post Sprint

Submit your project

What to look forward to

Professor and TA interaction. Our world-class professors and teaching staff are here to help you make the most of the experience.

Lifetime network. Connect with professionals from 60+ countries and across industries to gain fresh perspective from like-minded leaders.

High-impact project. Apply the frameworks and strategies from the sprint to a real problem at work.

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